Dooz 14000 Spray
Dooz is a Vitamin E Spray Delay. Dooz 14000 Delay Spray (45ml bottle) irritates the penis when sprayed on the head and works within 5 minutes after spraying. Once used, sexual intercourse can be up to 10 times higher than before. It is known as Studio Spray because it gives you more orgasms to stay longer and satisfy your lucky woman.
What It’s Used For?
Premature ejaculation is a common disease that affects millions of men (75 percent) at one time or another. Use Dooz 14000 Delay Spray for real world success. Premature – Satisfying your partner properly. Dooz (Vitamin E Delay) is recommended for anyone struggling to achieve full sexual satisfaction. Spray twice over the head and wait for 5 minutes and then you are ready for action. If you feel numb after spraying, ignore this as it will subside within a minute.
Alternatively, you can massage it into the vagina by spraying it on the palm of your hand. Your partner cannot tell you that you have had oral sex because of this unpleasant odor.
How To Use?
- WARNING This spray is very powerful, do not exceed 2 recommended spray sizes.
- Using the DOOZ at least five minutes before you start dating will reduce the feeling.
- DOOZ is the only vitamin E supplement that nourishes and activates 14000 cells.
- Vitamins are natural and are very easy to synthesize and stimulate cells.
- It comes in a fully factory packaged box and has up to 200 sprays in each can.
I knew it was good. I just needed to make sure I got the genuine article at a good price.
Ismail khan –
Nice And effective timing spray